Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fatwa about Mr.Ishaq from

Source URL :


Part 1:

Part 2:

Can you please see the and listen the above two links of video. In which some Maulana Ishaq From Pakistan talked about Sahaba Karam (R.A) with so much disrespect. Please guide us about him as so many simple Muslims are infected by his own view.


In the name of Allāh, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalāmu alaykum wa Rahmatullāhi Wabarakātuh

After listening to his various lectures, we have come to a conclusion that Molana Ishāq from Pakistan is very valiant in his remarks against the SAHĀBA KIRĀM R.A and other fiqhi related questions. We advice Muslims to abstain from him and from his innovative ideologies which are contrary to Ulama’e Haq.

And Allāh Taāla Knows BestWassalāmu alaykum
Ml. Abdur Rahman Shareef,Student Dārul Iftā
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim DesaiDārul Iftā, Madrasah Ināmiyyah

Source URL :

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Reply to Maulana Ishaq, Hadees-e-Qartas Ki Wazahat

Some brother composed a video as a response to what Mr.Ishaq speak out.

Must watch the link,

Reply to Maulana Ishaq, Hadees-e-Qartas Ki Wazahat - Part 1/3

He is not Maulana

I some how got to see this video and I was so shoked and still I am in surprise that he is so much confused creature in this world and known as Maulana , God forbid us from these sort of shaky and confused Molana, ameen.

He him self disrespecting the Sahaba RA (Compannions of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW ) while defending the enemies of Sahaba RA. He is talking too childish that if the peoples who got something against Sahaba RA so then its not their falut and they can curse Sahaba RA (Maa'z Allah , suma Maa'z Allah)

He is basing his opinion that shia follows what they follow because it is in their books ... shouldn't the same argument be made for hindus and christians. Islam is more than what is in the books, it is the evidence provided by concepts such as 'riwayat' and 'sanad' that makes what we believe bona fide; shia doesn't have these much like other religions. Shia is mere fabrication and concocted stories. so he is not a Maulana at least not of Muslims

Readers, we need to concern authentic Mufti about this buzurg guy. Some brothers please note down what he is saying in his so called speech and take Fatwa about his views.

He is making simple Muslims mad by his words and playing with so sensitive issue of Hurmat-e-Sahaba.

Dear Mr.Ishaq, I don't know how your Iman allow you to speak that worse words for Sahaba RA. I really wonder if you have Iman in your heart or it just wipe out with the "Bugz-e-Sahaba" you have showed.